The newspaper was founded in Novemberber 2011 by Hasan Yağmur, who was 'fed up' with the regional and local printed newspapers on offer in Turkey.

Haber Ufku is home to a number of writers- including core contributors such as the news editor Hasan Yağmur along with the arts editor Ömer Faruk Yağmur. There are also many other writers - all of whom supply the newspaper with a selection of topics - ranging from current business developments to reviews of the latest film releases.

The newspaper encourages writers from all over Turkey to contribute and express their opinion. They aim to represent the skills and talents of people across Turkey along with expressing the diversity of the population. Through their regional news Haber Ufku provides their readers with up-to-date information that previously would have been inaccessible- each day new articles are added to the paper, providing of constant stream of information that's relevant to the area.

The site offers sections on Haber Ufku, business, sci-tech, lifestyle, arts, jobs, cars, sports, family, food and what's on in the local area. They also provide a newsletter sign-up and a live stream of their Twitter feed. The paper has a very active Social Media programme meaning they regularly update their Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ accounts allowing them to communicate with their audience through multi-channels, which in turn increases their readership and presence as an online newspaper.

As the newspaper isn't sold in paper copies, Haber Ufku gets their funding through advertising support. This means businesses pay the newspaper to have their advertisement placed on a page - either in the form of a static or animated image. Haber Ufku aims to choose businesses that are local or regional offering products and services that are reflective of the style of the newspaper, whilst also making sure the overriding ethos of the paper is kept intact.

Editör: Haber Merkezi